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Twenty-one 9 hour shifts per ED block

6 blocks ED

1 block Pediatric ED  

1 block Anesthesia & Ultrasound 

1 block Medical ICU

1 block Social Emergency Medicine & Urgent Care

Orientation to resources and providers for homeless, refugee population and those with limited access to care

1 block Trauma Team

1 block Obstetrics 

1 block Cardiology ICU



PGY 2  

Twenty 9 hour shifts per ED block

7 blocks ED 

1 block Community ED 

1 block Surgical/Trauma ICU 

2 blocks of Neurological/Medical ICU 

1 block Toxicology 

1 block Elective




Nineteen 9 hour shifts per block

9 blocks ED

Super Senior, Triage, Urgent Care, Med Control

1 block Pediatric ICU

1 block Administrative/EMS

1 block as Teaching Resident  

1 block Elective  


EM Rotations

Core EM rotations are completed at Maine Medical Center where you will see both adult and pediatric patients. Each block is 4 weeks with 13 blocks per academic year. All ED shifts are 9 hours where you will pick up new patients for 8 hours and then have 1 hour of overlap with the oncoming resident so that you can wrap up and transition patient care.


Pediatric patients are integrated into all emergency medicine clinical months. Residents have the opportunity to care for pediatric patients on every shift and experience the seasonal variability of pediatric presentations.


Resident have the opportunity to use ultrasound on every shift and receive QI on all scans performed in the ED. As interns, a dedicated ultrasound rotation provides teaching and hands on experience with core EM ultrasound exams. Many second year residents choose an ultrasound elective to further expand their skill set to include regional anesthesia, advanced cardiac US and other identified areas of interest. We are also excited to have recently launched our ED TEE program and all of our junior residents will now receive training in TEE during resuscitation.


All residents are matched to a local EMS agency during their intern year and will have the opportunity to serve as an associate medical director for this agency. Our EMS division is involved with EMS at all local and state levels including medical direction, education, disaster preparedness, critical care transport and helicopter EMS, tactical medicine, etc. Residents will have the opportunity to fly as an observer with helicopter EMS if they choose to but this is not a required component of our residency program.

GME Academic Tracks

In addition to the curriculum and expertise offered within the EM residency and by our EM faculty, the department of Graduate Medical Education at Maine Medical Center offers Resident Academic Tracks with focus on Clinical-Educator and Leadership, Research, and Clinical Informatics.

 Didactic Curriculum

  • Didactic sessions are held every Wednesday from 8-1

    • This is protected time for all residents free of clinical responsibility

  • We have reformatted our didactic sessions over the past few years to focus on shorter, more interactive sessions

  • One week per month conference is held at the sim center where we put patient care into practice and have the opportunity to review rare presentations and procedures in a safe and controlled environment

    • Dedicated dates for Airway Management, Cardiology, Sedation, Trauma team training, Mock Oral Boards, etc

  • One week per month held on Zoom to facilitate visiting guest speakers and allow residents to engage with conference from home

Journal Club

  • Held monthly at a faculty members’ house

  • APP coverage to staff the ED

  • Opportunity to review current literature and implications for our emergency department

Our Office

22 Bramhall Street
Portland, Maine 04102


Jana Ricker

Residency Program Coordinator


Phone (207) 662-7050

Fax (207) 662-7054