Our Hospital: Maine Medical Center
"The mission of our department is to provide the highest level of compassionate care to acutely sick or injured patients in our region and state, recruit and train the best physicians in our speciality, and produce high-quality clinical research to shape the future practice of Emergency Medicine"
- Mike Baumann, MD
Primary teaching site
Incorporated in February 1868
650+ bed community-based teaching hospital
Over 6,000 employees
Partnered with Tufts University School of Medicine
17 Residencies, 11 Fellowships, over 282 residents & fellows
Average of 475 rotating medical students per year
Level 1 Adult and Pediatric Trauma
Only Pediatric ED and Burn center in the state
In-person interpreter services including Somali, Arabic, Portuguese, Kirundi, French, Spanish, Kinyarwanda, Lingala among others to support the diverse patient population of Portland
Free-Care system to provide access to both inpatient and outpatient services for those patients without other means to pay for care.
Social work, care coordination, and physical therapy within the ED
ED initiation of Buprenorphine therapy and follow up with community MAT providers
MMC Urgent Care Plus
Select shifts during PGY1 and PGY3 year
One-on-One with attending
> 20,000 visits per year, 4000 pediatric visits
Opportunity for lower acuity complaints and procedures
Southern Maine Medical Center
Community EM rotation PGY2
Sending hospital providing experience in stabilization and transport