Maine Medical Center is committed to the recruitment and advancement of Women in Medicine! Our goal is to strengthen opportunities and support for female emergency medicine physicians.
Mentoring: MMC faculty are available to all of our residents for structured and unstructured mentorship.
Advocacy: MMC advocates for female faculty in leadership roles and fosters discussions on diversity related issues. Women hold leadership roles both within our department and at the hospital.
Networking: Throughout the year we host events to bring together women in various stages of training to cultivate mentorship and share experiences in a fun, laid back setting. Recent events have included outdoor adventures, holiday parties and book clubs.
Our faculty and residents have an ongoing interest in studying the attitudes and culture of EM as well as the physiologic impacts of EM and shift work on women and pregnant workers.
MacVane, Fix, Strout, Zimmerman, Bloch, Hein Congratulations, You're Pregnant! Now About Your Shifts . . . : The State of Maternity Leave Attitudes and Culture in EM
MacVane, Puissant, Fix, Strout, Bonney, Welsh, Mittleman, Ricker, Agarwal Scheduling Practices for Pregnant Emergency Medicine Residents
Agarwal, Puissant, Strout, Altman and MS Greenwald were awarded a Harvard TH Chan grant to examine the Physiologic Effects of Night Shift on Pregnant Workers.